documentary: A non-fiction, narrative film with real people that records an event,
person, or place. Examples: Michael Moore's 2004 documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" (pictured) and Morgan Spurlock's 2004 documentary
"Super Size Me".
dolly: A moving shot in which the perspective of the subject and background is changed.
Shot occurs from a camera mounted on a hydraulically-powered camera platform pushed on rails.
doppelganger: Reference to the fact that a duplicate or double accompanies every
double: A person who takes the spot of another for a stunt or a nude scene.
double exposure: Exposing a single frame twice so that elements of both images are
visible in the finished project.
double take: A comedic device in which someone first looks at an object, looks
away, and then quickly looks back.
draftsman: Person who creates the plans for set construction.
drive-in theatre: An outdoor movie theatre where the audiences views films from
insider their automobiles. Most popular in the 1970s.
dubbing: The act of putting a new soundtrack in a film or adding dialogue after
dummy load: A ruined roll of film stock that is used for practice loading.
dystopia: Imagery or dehumanized, bad, dismal, or oppressive place or landscape.