pin-up girl: Refers to the most sexually attractive actresses of an era. The term
pin-up is used as these sex symbols frequently were found in seductive poses on calendars, photographs, and posters. Examples
of pin-up girls are Marilyn Monroe (pictured), Rita Hayworth, Raquel Welch, and Bo Derek.
pitch: Proposals for film projects usually made by screenwriters or producers to
obtain financial backing.
plot: Series or events that make up a film's narrative.
point of view: Perspective from which the film is told.

porn film: Film that exploits sex. Example: "The Lord of the G-Strings: The Fellowship
of the String" (pictured), which mocks Peter Jackson's "The Lord of the Ring: The Fellowship of the Ring."
post-modern: A return to tradition; reaction to more modernistic styles.
post production: The final stage in a film's production after principle photography;
Involves editing, addition of sound/visual effects, dubbing, etc.
potboiler: A hard edged detective or crime thriller.
pre-code: The years 1930-1934 before the enforcement of the Hay's Production Code.
premiere: The first official public screening of a film.

prequel: Film that presents characters or events that are chronologically set before
the original film. Example: "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace" (1999) (pictured).
preview: AKA trailer; A short film with excerpts from the theatrical cut intended
as advertisement.
pre screen: To view a film before its public release.
principal photography: Refers to the filming of the major and significant portions
of the film.
principals: Refers to the main characters of the film.

prison film: A film with a plot that is usually set within the walls of a prison.
Examples: Frank Darabont's 1994 film "The Shawshank Redemption" (pictured) and "Cool Hand Luke" (1967).
producer: Head of movie production in all logistical matters; Raises funding, hires
personel, etc.
product placement: A companies that buys advertisements within a film for their
production: General process of putting a film together.
production design: A film's overall design and visual look i.e. colors, sets, costumes,
scenery, props, locations, etc.
prolouge: A brief scene preceding the main plot of the film.
protagonist: The lead character in a film.
punchline: A funny or witty line that culminates a story, joke, or scene.